We need YOU, join our RANKS!

Day 1,095, 15:54 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by GLD HQ

The Green Liberal Democrats are glad to be back.

What we want to achieve is:

- an open debate and information on decisions that have been made,
- room for a tough debate on the facts
And above all:
- GUARANTEEING eNetherlands is (becomes?) a fun and great place to live in.

We will allways encourage you to not ask the government to help you out but forge friendships and bonds in-game and help each other. I've learned that you go much faster and have more fun when you do it with friends in-game then rely upon your government.

As it should be.

Let's do this together!

(for more information check our Q&A below)

Q & A
What do you mean by open debate and information?
What we mean is that every decision in congress and government should be clearly explained, preferably before implementation, but at least after. This way citizens know what is going on. We also feel that information should be published both on the enetherlands forum and ingame.

What do you consider to be 'a tough debate on the facts'?
All too often we fall in the gap of name-calling, blaming and framing and what have ye. GLD feels that a discussion can be very tough, and should be: but it should always be aimed at the facts, not so much the person who brings in an argument. But also: no-one should feel intimidated to express their opinion in fear of being told he/she doesn't understand the game, is too young/too old, is a n00b.

Why is that so important?
Everytime we debate on the facts and explain and inform what we really mean: the information flows freely. This in turn attracts people and activates them. Blaming and shaming only inactivates people and drives them into their trenches.

How can eNL become a great and fun place to live in?
Well, if we manage to achieve the first two goals we've just discussed we're halfway there. We also need to grow a bit in active people. These people can come from all over the globe: as long as they are interested in progressing the eUNL into the future.

And then it is fun?
Reality check: it IS a game, remember? Not too serious please.

In the last Q&A session there was something about people disagreeing within the party...
Yes, let me copy and paste that below. I feel it is important. We've always allowed party members with different opinions to speakout their minds even if they were not in line with the partyline.

That's weird, why allow people to speak their minds when it is not in line with what has been decided in the party internally?
Because we believe in strong characters. They have always been the base of our success. If we all agree on something it means you will vote with us, but you are still allowed your own opinion and you can voice that opinion wherever you want.

There must be a catch...
No really, there is none.

So we decide against a lowering of the taxes and I am against...
Then you vote: 'against', but still are able to debate and convince otherwise. We feel there is a BIG distinction between individual members and the party. Yes we are a democratic group, where we decide in majorities, but individual members are always needed to go against the grain.

Why is it so important to have people disagreeing within the party?
It helps us stay awake and on our feet. It also means we're representing the populace, which is what we're here for. You vote with the majority. However: We are not forcing you to speak words you do not believe in: you would only be unconvincing.

Now I am starting to see
We knew you'd get it: you are cool!

BTW, you don't need money anymore?
Yes we do as a matter of fact.

Lemme guess: to pay for the hot ladies?
Nah, we need it to advertise. eNL is being spammed by advertisements lately for political parties and we have no more fuel to burn as it were.

fuel to burn?
Cash mate, we need cash to cry-out how cool we are and that you need to join us!

I've just signed up!
But you're cool, like I said before.