We MUST Help

Day 1,744, 02:51 Published in South Africa South Africa by Badger06

We MUST Help!

For too long our forces have become slowly more and more fragmented, we have so many military factions within our country. Each off on their own noble quests, each out there making eSA proud.

The problem comes with being so fragmented is we become less effective, especially with the Q7 weapons being brought into the game it is making it increasingly difficult for the elite few running these Military Units to keep them going. Each day the number that they support increases, the supplies each person gets now diminishes. We are supplied but with less, we don't follow the same orders so we do smaller batches of damages all over the place. It may not look like a problem but it is becoming a mess.

And it is with this that I call upon our rainbow nation to Unite. You can keep the individuality of your MU, but why not fall into the brotherhood of eSAAF, Recess has done it, the Kommandos have done it and now the RED ARMY are also a proud branch of eSAAF.

We as a nation cannot keep popping our blue pills and hope that the likes of Crumoet, Hamilton Moore and Grimstone can keep slaving and working their hands to the bone to keep us supplied. They do so much for us but yet we constantly demand and the majority of us help out here and there, but it is not good enough. We disrespect them as brothers of our proud nation by not coming up with a better solution. We cannot keep sponging them dry. We have to stand united and pick up the Red Pill, look at it for what it is, and accept the reality and take up the challenge.

The spirit of uBhuntu is deep with our country as a cultural way of living and upliftment of our fellow countrymen. For to long we have sat at the steps of our MU leaders and taken our hand outs, but today it changes, today we join the chain of supply today we begin to help out.

Today MUST is formed - Military Unification Supply Trust

So what is MUST about? MUST is about us the combined military asking you our citizens, our politicians, our disgruntled e😜ats, our allies for some support. To understand how you can support us first you need to understand the challenges that the joint military faces. Grimstone, Hamilton, and Crumoet have all invested their own money into Q7 companies with the goal of helping us the rest of eSa. In total the combined eSaaf has access to 5 Q7 weapon companies which is a fantastic backbone through which to supply our soldiers. So where are the challenges? A q7 company in Brazil where they are currently stationed uses 40 000 weapon raws per day if you exclude the manager working the company. That means that the eSaaf military machine consumes 200 000 weapon raws a day and 1.4 million weapon raws per week to produce about 7000 Q7 weapons. Running the figures of the cost of weapon raws and salaries it would cost about 335000 zar to run these companies by buying weapon raws per week.

This is sadly not sustainable for anyone not even our richest of citizens. Grimstone, Hamilton and Crumoet manager work some wrm companies to try lower costs but they cannot come close to the 200 000 weapon raws needed on their own.

So you must be asking yourself where do I fit into this picture? How can I lend a hand? MUST is asking you for two things.

1. Donations: In order to lower production costs WRM companies need to be bought and at 8500 currency each these don't come cheap.

2. Willing manager workers: As mentioned before we can't rely on three people to make all of our supplies so we need loyal long term players willing to work wrm companies and donate the products to eSaaf. I recently bought 10 WRM companies from a loan from the Reserve bank and as soon as I have paid the loan back the goods will be going to eSAAf.

So instead of putting your hand up for a hand out how about putting your hand up to volunteer your help?

In order to be running 1t 100% we need something in the region of 6 million currency. Yes folks that's right I said 6 million. This is not a reason to despair and every single wrm company eSaaf can put up will get us that little bit closer to the elusive 200 000 wrm mark.

So send us your spare change or that little bit of currency you had put away for a rainy day! Each little bit will help. People willing to work wrm companies can enquire through Grimstone or Crumoet and will be screened and added to the list. This is not something that will happen overnight this is something that will take work and will be about building a better, stronger eSa and a stronger eSaaf.

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