We Love This Country vs We Are This Country

Day 3,012, 11:13 Published in India India by Patanjali
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ

Today I would like to ask you about RL politics in India, because I noticed (someone of you posted a link to the speech of Kanahiya Kumar, president of JNUSU, for which he was arrested) on FB a struggle in that field.
This one article

First of all, I will explain how I see and understand things, which could be completely wrong (and I ask you to correct me), then I will ask your opinions on the matter.

This year (indeed a monkey of fire year) looks very elusive, from the start.
In Europe Russia push more and more pressure on eastern European country’s (Ukraine, Moldavia now) and some west Asian – middle east country’s (like Siria).
Now looks like beside the China economical draw back, India seems to have some problems too, and this is what I want to talk about.
Students associations have a left orientation (politically), as it is normal for youngsters that are driven by ideals of equality, community, etc.
On the other hand, RSS is by definition a right oriented organisation, claiming all the historical heritage of India and Hinduism.

Now, in 2016 could seem weird to try to change the Constitution and talk about changing the conduct of India women’s, advocating that they should emulate Sita and conduct agnipariksha (I understand RSS did that).
Not because it is 2016, but because the society changed from the time of Ramayana, humans changed.

Perhaps in an patriarchal agricultural society, following the laws of Manu and the prescription of the Vedas was the true way to follow, but the goals of those humans, that did that, I believe are elusive for us now.
People now want a new cell phone, a new car, etc., and are not very interested in attaining Moksha, nor to improving them Karma.

On the other hand, the new ideas of cultural Marxism, which spread very much in Europe (starting from equality between citizens and human rights, but developing in a manner that became extreme) could not be very good for India in the future.
Fortunately (and this is a weird fortune) India still have enough poor persons to do not became a social state. Perhaps it is not achievable, and this could lead, yet, to a development through competition.

Few words on justice now
Where poverty is a fact for the most of the citizens (I understand 80% of India population is below the poverty income) there corruption arose, because citizens (and them rights) could be buy, for little money, generally.
That lead to the power of the rich people, known from ancient time as Oligarchy.

This is such a kind of society where virtues and values of humans do not matter, because the number of those controlled by money is to high and for the rich buyers virtues and values did not matter. Them only purpose in life is to get more money and more power, to buy more citizens, this year and in the future.

Now, justice is, and always was, a form of expression of the power.
The landowner, be it Maharaja or just a simple soldier, made the LAW on he’s own land.
Those days things seems to be different because now we have Democracy, and ppl. Could decide to change the bad laws. Problem is they could do that only through them elected ones.
Here, dear Shiv, lies the big difference between Ghandi and Jawaharlal, in accepting to transfer the power from citizens to those elected, or not. – mean time, I understand, there is no distinction between the sons and grandsons of those two, because power had a strange capacity, she corrupt (very easy) weak souls.

In the end, understanding that justice is a representation of power, lead us to the understanding of the matter.

I will have no conclusion because I don’t know how things really are in India, but I ask you to develop and to better explain the situation. Perhaps even formulating some conclusions.

Dhanyavaad !


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