We have the power to choose our own destiny!

Day 1,610, 16:36 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by DarkoDimovski1

When it comes right down to it, almost everything is a choice. This is a great truth and a hard lesson because it reminds us of our own power. Not power over others, but the hidden, untapped power to be our best and live out our dreams. We have to choose to leave our comfort zones to discover this power and utilize it fully.

Success is not the result of just one monumental decision. It is the result of a continuous series of choices that we make every day. Those choices don't just impact the moment. They echo throughout our professional and personal lives. Our success is determined by the choices we make, don't make or leave to others to make for us.

Our choices have created the success we are currently experiencing.

This might be disheartening if we don't like where we find ourselves. But it's also liberating because we now know we can harness the power to choose what's necessary to achieve our personal and professional goals.

Some may say that we don't choose our circumstances. However, we have more power over circumstances than we care to admit. Even if circumstances are thrust upon us, we choose how we respond to them.

My friends,

Today and days before today we saw that our admins cares only about OUR money. So if they care only about our money, then they should leave us to play this game on our OWN way! They can't go against the players!

I have one question
Why only TEDEN tanks get energy bars?

Flausino, Mr Coder, Scymex and the other tanks (sorry for not mentioning) gave also a lot of money for that battle.
If you act kind, be kind for all players or they will stop buying gold at all!

Tanks, you have my FULL SUPPORT!

I will be always on the proper side!

Best regards,