We are waiting you, dear friends.(PO)

Day 674, 01:45 Published in Poland Republic of Moldova by Foreign Office Moldova

Hello dear friends,

We warmly welcoming you to our little and young country.

In order that everything go smooth in this action, we like to make public some informations, which may prove important to you, in eMoldavia.

Before moving in eMoldavia you could ask for tickets, after you have talked with the representant of your country in eMoldavia (see the below table, if you do not know yet who the representant of your country is), here:
[url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1382297[/url]
[url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1862763[/url]

For knowing where to move in in eMoldavia, you could check this sheet:
[url] http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tjqmpf-RQCSFgiszxDOPLmw&output=html[/url]
Knowing the repartitions of regions for friendly suporting country is:
- Chisinau region = Greece and Romania
- Northern Basarabia region = Croatia, Finland and Canada
- Southern Basarabia region = Poland, Spain and Sweden
- Transnistria region = Romania and USA

For joining the party, you may go here:
[url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/partidul-renasterii-nationale-2641/1[/url]

Daily, you could join fights in eUSA following the Defence Minister of eMoldavia newspapers order, here:
[url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/ministerul-apararii-md-199319/1[/url]

For working you could chose from the job offer in the market.
Sadly, we do not have job opportunities in Land or Constructions at the moment.

For meeting the eMoldavian community, you could use Rizon server, and chose the #moldova chanel. Also, on this chanel you may ask every questions you have.


eMoldavian MoFA