We Are The Conservatives: A response to the whiners

Day 939, 08:47 Published in United Kingdom Singapore by Louis Humphrey

Yes, so I released the first message today about why I changed my mind from naming the party N.E.O to The Conservatives. And so far people have been whining at me like little children.


Grow up!

Its a political party.

Yes I know its a party in real life, and yes I know I'm using the real logo. So?

Just to annoy those who are annoyed at this: I will also use their campaign posters

Suck on that big boy!!

I'm not an angry person. I'm quite happy and content. All I want to do is make this party strong. But no! not allowed to do that cause its right wing!!!! oooo! right wing is bad cause of maggie thatch...well heres some news,

I think maggie did a better job in that era of time than any other politician could of done. And i have back up and proof!

I'm so annoyed, I cant even be bothered to sort out my grammar

One thing I hate more or equal to traitors. Whiners

Christ alive! annoying!

So I'll finish off my article with some thing sweet for my ears: The Conservatives are here. What are you going to do about it. It's a game and so people who whine, are nothing more than 5 years olds craving for the teat still. Those who whine are most likely the people who can't stand up for themselves in the work place, and so use up all of their depression on a game which is designed for people who inspire to be something in their life

few glad I got that off my chest

Louis Humphrey

Btw, this wasn't a rage quit, nor will it be