We are the community - Contest Participation

Day 2,454, 02:48 Published in Argentina Romania by CrazymanGR
We are the community contest

This article is a part of a contest: Click Here

Part 1 - My Profile

Part 2 - Things I am proud of

There are not many things that I'm proud for, but I'm proud for being an "Archangel", met some real nice people, have the opportunity to crash Fyrov multiple times and to know that I have the mental strength to continue playing this game!!! 🙂

Part 3 - Who am I?

Well that's an easy question... I'm from Greece and I'm 24. I'm a "Computer Engineer - Programmer" (what a title)!!!

As for politics irl... I'm from a country where the politics doesn't care for the common good but for their own good! We have in our language so many words to call someone a thief, so we need someone to call him/her so, so we vote them to rule us!!!

As for wars, I prefer them only in games. So much pain, so many deaths, so many wasted money, just to remind someone that you are stronger? There are so many other ways to solve a problem/matter, but noone tries, only the easy way (for the politicians, not for the civilians of both countries).

Part 4 - Favorite Song

I don't really have A favorite, I listen to whatever I feel like...
Greek Songs, english songs, so many favorites!

Part 5 - Favorite Movie

"RRRrrrr!" one of my favorite movies!

Part 6 - Photo of Desktop

Oh.... don't make me look for the camera. Print screen 4tw!!!!

To be honest, I joined the contest to collect subscribers.... so........ SUB!!! 😉