We are either a Brotherhood or we are no more

Day 1,286, 05:59 Published in Romania Romania by Wallachian

I`ve been meaning to write an article on EDEN lately but decided to wait as there`s a few changes going on.

In short, I wasn`t very happy with how this alliance is working: countries making "secret" deal with the enemy without letting anybody know; armies not following the EDEN MCs commands and fighting their own battles; members who instead of helping their brothers who are being wiped out were fighting for colonies elsewhere; others who were starting war without talking the matter with the EDEN HQ and so on.

So all this gave birth to a few questions, the most important being: What does EDEN stand for if everybody does as they please?
A couple months ago the Romanian president decided he`s so much smarter than EDEN and instead of fighting for the alliance he took off for a more warmer climate in Turkey, this while EDEN countries were being wiped off the map. Very soon after, ONE got the upper hand and start knocking some sense into Romanian government. We lost region after region until we have been completely deleted off the map.
A few days back it happened again, this time Croatia seen fit to sign a peace treaty with Serbia giving away the war and even giving another EDEN member land in exchange for an economy bonus in Slovenia. And again, nobody knew about their decision. I could give more examples but this two are relevant enough...

I been yelling my lungs out in Voice of EDEN of how we are a Brotherhood and how we fight together and how we are so much better than the enemy. When the right moment was to prove it, some country members presidents and government acted selfish and close minded.

Days in a row I been witnessing on EDEN military channels the EDEN MCs giving orders for nobody to follow. Many times, if it doesn`t involve them, or if they have something else coming, many country representatives (presidents and MODs) prefer to keep their armies on hold ignoring what the MCs have to say. That`s why many battles were lost, because when the Romanian army is fighting, then the Croat is on hold. And when the Croat is fighting, the Bulgarians have already finished. Examples can go on. Anybody expects to win this way?

Anyway, changes are already in plan. The EDEN HQ has come with a few ideas of revitalizing EDEN. One of them is having a unified channel for all EDEN armies which would include all available EDEN soldiers who would respond directly to the HQ command. This way country X representative doesn`t have a reason to say he didn`t pass the order to his people because he was afk or whatever.

Some other changes we been thinking about was to bring countries closer together by creating common decision factors, like common ministries, or even a common government. Of course that would greatly reduce the "privileges" of local governments and it might be that those "in control" will have a problem with it. Some might have wet dreams thinking about the amount of pixels they "rule" over.

The reason Im writing all this down (even if some might rather keep it as a secret) is because ever since I joined the PR team, I been an advocate of transparency. I believe people need to know what is going on because this will give them the motivation to fight for a common cause. Why would a Chinese go fight for Ireland? Just because they are in the same alliance? So the point is to create bonds in between peoples, nations and governments. So if you have a good idea of what would add valor to EDEN write it as a comment to this article. After all, you are the reason why EDEN managed to survive for almost 2 years, unlike other alliances.

We need to get over this lethargy. We need to structure our forces better. We need to create closer ties in between ourselves. We need to prove that we are an alliance.

EDEN is a Brotherhood or is No More.

Chinese version by Kriny