We Are Back and We Are Back With A Blast!

Day 1,498, 02:52 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Special Service Group
He was limping and and stumbling across the path in the mountains. His vision fading. Each fiber in his body screaming. It was as if he was about to fall any second weighed with injuries. But more than that with disappointment and dejection. And then....he fell. Losing all hope perhaps. For it was the hope which had kept him going till far the hope of reaching his homeland from Sistan and Baluchistan.

But then he woke up.
Was he still alive or perhaps he woke after death?
Yet it didn't appear to him that he was dead.
His first feeling was that he was tied. Enemies perhaps.
He opened his eyes. They were heavy and painful to open. But he did.
He found that he wasn't in shackles or bound.
He found that he was tied due to his injuries.
And then he saw something which might have made him jump had he been in the position to. SSG uniformed medic.
SSG medic?
But wasn't that legendary unit dead?
Hadn't they all dispersed and disappeared?
So how could this be?
and soon
he found out that SSG was back.

Yes, my dear readers, SSG IS BACK AND ITS BACK WITH A BLAST!

We have started recruitment of soldiers.
All ePakistanis above 2k strength are invited to join up with us.
Even international soldiers above 4.5k strength are invited.

Our communes have been set up and you will get 60% of what you produce and the the thing we are supplying is the hot...oh yeah hot!...item of the year!
Everyone who can or can not join SSG can join our communes. For that contact aovelhanegra.

The officers of SSG are as follows:

Commander: av khan
Operations Director & Negotiator: kualkerr
Economics department (treasury & finances): Aovelhanegra,dodial, Jawad Khan Jadoon
Logistics: AnnihiLator10,mehmood25,hamis11
Media Spokesman: av khan

These are all the updates for now. Vote and shout the article, and subscribe the newspaper so you could keep yourself updated with our orders and other updates. But more importantly Join Us!
And Lets Make ePakistan's Enemies Fear Pakistan and SSG!


Commander and Media Spokesman of SSG
av khan (_Sora_ on IRC)