Watch Out Imperialistic Pig-Dogs!

Day 1,805, 03:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Buck Taylor

Welcome to the sixteenth article of Red Rag

You should join the People’s Army today, and here’s why…

For all the idealistic talk of this being a ‘New World’, a place where all accounts are created equal, it seems to me that there is something very wrong with our world. Imperialism, and not democracy, is the dominant force. It’s imperialism without an Emperor, a form more akin to the imperialism of the English Republic. Established by Cromwell it was just as expansionistic as the Monarchy that came before and after, democratically elected leaders of the superpowers around the world behave much the same. Wars of supremacy and greed are fought across the globe with the superpowers bullying the weak and conquering the lands of the peaceful. The People’s Army and PCP aim to stand against this.

We have great tasting food!

Now the members of the People’s Army and PCP have declared that we will take a stand. We have voted to affiliate ourselves with Libertad, an anti-imperialist international force made up of believers in liberty from countries all over the world.

We use the best tanks!

So now in addition to fighting for our country we will be fulfilling secondary military orders to defend the freedom of our comrades across the world. To encourage participation in these wars of liberation extra supplies will be issued to compensate, once proof has been received of the participation.

We wear the best uniforms!*

The People’s Army is now on the path to becoming one of the eUK’s most exciting, dynamic and principled military units, ready and willing to fight across the globe. Take up arms today, join the People’s Army! And if you want to truly back up your values with action then join and vote for PCP.

Join Us Today! Fight For Tomorrow!

- Comrade Buck

*No we don’t, that accolade goes to the enemy, say what you like about the Fascists, their uniforms are always cooler.