Warning! A evil Multi!

Day 272, 06:02 Published in Sweden Sweden by Media ltd

[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/user_donations-641422.html]Donations[/a]

[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-641422.html]Main Person[/a]

hi can you please be nice and give me some money so i can raise my wellness? Smile thanks.

Everybody should Watch out.
If you get a message like this, Don't give Gifts. Don't give Money.
Don't give Anything.

He have 65 Multis. All created the 25 Juli.
And that if you wonder 650 Sek and 325 Gold...

So watch out, And do not give anything.
You can buy a gift, For the Giftcompanies...

But Don't Give anything to the person, if you don't know who it is!
Not Reported to the Admins( They are Sooooo Slow)
But to the Swedish Police.
Edit: Reported to Admin now. Lets se if it really take 48 H...