Wargames would be nice.

Day 744, 20:21 Published in Thailand Canada by Nouveauk

I understand that recently, Thailand has been going through some changes. Our neighbor Malaysia was attacked and crippled, and Indonesia's plans for expansion loom in the horizon. We have presidential elections, but the new system is confusing and possibly poorly implemented.

Yet there might be one thing that can definitely boost us up a bit. A training war.

Signing alliances is trickier now, with the costs, and maybe we have other priorities going on--but I've heard that there are people who are leaving, and other esteemed citizens that want to leave, solely because we don't have training battles. And unfortunately, that is starting to strike a chord with me. Having stayed in Thailand all my life, except for when it was merged with Malaysia, I never had that many chances to level. People who were months younger than me would surpass me in level and get higher chances to be elected into Congress (rather peculiar, that a soldier would be the best choice for proposing and passing laws--but that's a different sort of issue), but I stayed loyal and happy in Thailand.

In Malaysia, I found that training battles were very satisfying. Real wars and training alike, a large amount of experience is gained, and that's always a good thing. Making some sort of progress towards a stable or scheduled training battle would do great things for the country. When I came back to Thailand, the Indonesian-Malaysian war began and screwed up the scheduling for the Philippine training battles. I feel that the lack of side experience very strongly affects the country, since many players are in this game for the leveling advantages. Thailand is already small, but the lack of battles might be making it smaller.

I am not a congressman this term because of my own lack of judgment in running in North-east Thailand, but I am a citizen. Does anyone know if there are viable and reliable sources of training battles? I think it would be a good issue to discuss.