
Day 2,027, 09:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by TheEclipse

Whats it all about?

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
George S. Patton.

Everything animal on this Earth fights, the birds,the bee's and the lions. Humans are no exception from this it's in our nature; competative survival. Lets say the Euk looks at Denmark and thinks 'Oh they have more fish then us' it means they are better equiped or prepared then us, we cannot let this be and so our brainist and noble citizens our 'Country Presedents' declare war.

That is only one way a war may start, similar to the events leading too the start of WW1 alliences play a large part in collective secruity. Strength in numbers is all well and good untill you get dragged into the worlds largest conflict!

How is it fought:

On this screen!

Imagine a giant tug of war and the country who deals the most amount of damage wins. This is shown by the large bar at the top, the side you are fighting on is always on the left side.

To move the bar towards your opponant you have to deal more damage to that country then they do too you. For instance if they as a country deal 200,000 damage then YOU as a country must deal at least 200,001 to move the bar. To win the fight you must gain 1800 points before they do, this is shown at the ends of the bar.

The amount of points you gain depends on how much of the bar you control and how long the fight has been going. If you control less then 50% you won't be getting any points 🙁 but if you are over 50% you gain 10 points every minute.
However aftre 90 mins this rises to 60 points every minute!

Brillant, so you have won the fight! but the battle isn't over yet! To fully conquer the region you are attacking, you must reach 82 campaign points.


When you join the fight you are automatically put into a Division which one you are put in depends on your level

Division/ Type / Level
I National Guard 1 - 24 0
II Soldiers 25 - 29
III Special Forces 30 - 36
IV Tanks 37+

So imagine a war in a country all the tier IV's fight each other and all the tier 1's fight each other, they do not mix to make the game fair and balanced.
So as a soldier you are thrust into Tier 2, your Division wins the battle and gains 2 campaign points out of the 82 needed! Again the amount gains depends on the Division. Once you have got 82 points you gain control of that region!

Tier/ Type / Number of points
I - National Guard 1
II - Soldier 2
III - Special Forces 3
IV - Tanks 5

To help you do more damage you have the option of buying weapons,these are arranged from Q1 being the worst to Q7 being the most at dealing damage. You can buy weapons here: Your text to link here...

This is just a very simple outline of battles, there is more depth such as guerrilla fights and the mechanics on how regions are attacked and defended these will be covered later!

For more info go to Your text to link here...

Sorry about the length of this post but it's very difficult to get this into a few words.

Also on a side note I will be interviewing BigAnt and Rodney Mckay in the coming days, if you have any questions you would like to ask them please Personal message me.

Thank you for reading please vote + subscribe!

!? Series of Tutorials:

Last: Gold!?
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Next: Guerrilla Fights