War with France

Day 499, 19:30 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

First off, I just want to say that I apologize for not having an article up since Sunday. Things have been really hectic lately and I haven't been active much on this game or on the IRC chat. Luckily for you I am back.

Sadly, my wellness wasn't high enough to be able to fight in the war with France that was kickstarted again yesterday. I bought Q3 food so my wellness would be high enough today to fight but I found out the war had ended much to my dismay. Even though we lost the war, I am pretty sure it isn't a big loss at all. A lot of people who haven't experienced war yet probably got a nice taste of it yesterday even though we got badly beaten. The one day battle session with France was probably just a quick view of how our army is working, to help gain everyone some experience and to get the economy moving a little bit. So no one freak out over the loss.

I think that war is something that should be a bigger part of Canada. I am more into the politics side of Erepublik, but I also think that Canada should work on becoming a bigger and better nation that puts fear into people. Take for example, the attempted TO by Hungary. It is kind of embarassing actually that Canada is thought of as a country that can be pushed around, even though we pushed Hungary back. I am not saying to go out and attack every country and be idiots like USA did with Mexico but maybe start a war with PEACE. I think they may be the more powerful alliance but if we start showing that we can take them maybe more countries will come to ATLANTIS's side. I could be dead wrong and have no clue what I am talking about but I think war could be a bigger part of eCanada.

Another thing that I think needs to be changed is the war module or simulator that eRepublik uses. Maybe it is just because I am blonde but it is confusing as hell. I really have no clue what is going on with all the different levels and the numbers and the lines, it was so confusing! (In fact, if someone could explain how it works to me, that would be great). For relatively new people like me who find it really confusing, it needs to be changed to make it more interesting and way more simple. Just show a line that needs to be surpassed for the region to be conquered. And make it more interesting where you have like a real simulation. I am not saying make it Call of Duty 6, but just a couple simple controls. Just a suggestion.

There are my opinions on the war in France and on war in general. Tune in Saturday when me and Vincent Chaotic duel in Round 3 of the Canada Prize!

This is Derek Harland signing off.