War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothin'! Well, accept to gain experience

Day 546, 08:59 Published in Canada Peru by Sexin

Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith (That's me!) is nearing is 1-week anniversary in the new world and hasn't made the impact he would have liked. Why is he writing this article in the third person you ask? Well, that's because he doesn't really have much of an idea for an article but is bored at work and has decided to kill some time before lunch with mindless drivel.

In my first week I've had 4 jobs, fought in 3 wars, day traded without success, begged people for money (Seriously, give me some), given people boobies and showed the world what will happen to our new world eventually. I've joined the Canadian Paradox Party, voted for Tom Hagen to be our fearless (British??) leader and have entered the congressional race in Ontario.

I've enjoyed my time thus far and can envision myself playing for months to come. I'm excited to see where this citizenship thing goes and even more excited once the admins stop people from exploiting the game, which happens often, I'm told.

Which brings me to my next item, weakness. There was a lot of talk yesterday and last night that Canada would be leaving ATLANTIS to join forces with PEACE of which we were a founding member. I for one was disappointed to hear that we'd be once again sucking up to the winning side and was/am against making enemies on both sides of the fence. I believe we need to stick with our current allies through thick and thin or, if we no longer agree with the direction of ATLANTIS, become a neutral country which pretty much puts up shit creek without a paddle (or allies).

Apparently many others were against the idea of joining PEACE so I am glad that we are, at least for now, sticking with our brothers in arms. Hopefully we can come to an understanding with PEACE but with the United States joining forces (allegedly) with PEACE, that may no longer be an option.

Let's hope that Canada can overcome any obstacles we face now and in the future. Alright, well, it's lunch time so peace!