War Update and Assorted Headlines, Day 1480

Day 1,480, 14:49 Published in USA USA by Tosh O'Point

Tosh here with a quick update on the war. About half an hour ago (~13:40 server time), Poland attacked the United States in the District of Columbia. I figured this was a normal part of war until I realised that we already own Virginia and Maryland. Take a look at the map below, for those of you who are not great at geography:

I assumed there must be a glitch, or somehow Poland had started a resistance against us after holding the region for so long. But that was not the case. The District, according to the admin, has three neighbors. Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia. And who is occupying WV? Poland.

So is the admin really that poor at geography? Let's check his map. You may have to zoom in a bit.

No. As you can see, the game map clearly shows no border between the regions. Yet, on the region page, and in the mechanics in the game, the Mountain State and Federal District are touching like a priest and an alter boy.

What other obvious fallacies exist in the game, aside from the ones that are put there intentionally to eat up gold or make us mad on purpose? Point Taken will be investigating over the next few weeks, and our subscribers will be the first to know.

In other news, Fionia's article contest wraps up today. My submission is very much still in the running, but it's not over yet. If you want me to win, the easiest thing to do is vote the article and shout for your friends and MU-mates to do the same. If you want me to lose, subscribe to the paper and have your friends do the same, because I don't have a shot to win in the Over-200-Subs category.
Update: I won! Thank you to everyone who voted and spread the word.

Csabo07 wrote a very informative article on the art of investing in commodities in eRepublik. I don't think there is quite as much room in the buisness for a profit as he suggests because there is a pretty low rate of volatility (especially due to the market bot), but it is great to see activity in the economic analysis section of the media. Newcomer Saphire09 has also contributed several well-thought articles in his paper, Democracy Unlimited calling for lower taxes and a greater emphasis on Raw Material production over finished goods.

Pizza the Hut II continues to make people scratch their heads with his articles. He recently unilaterally declared himself the head of an apparently imaginary Joint Terra/EDEN Command and issued a fatwah on USWP leader Henry Arundel. Mr. Hut also promised to retire from the game entirely if elected President, in what some consider the worst campaign slogan since DC Mayor Marion Barry promised "a police car on every sidewalk."

Checking up on campaign promises, Oblige included in his platform a call for greater media activity. Unfortunately, we have seen only two articles from the White House and none from the Department of Defense.

That's all the news that's fit to print for now, so stay classy eUSA.