Day 878, 11:28 Published in Poland China by Sima Qian

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During the day 877 Chinese and Indian joint forces attacked Serbian colonies in Asia.http://i.imagehost.org/0549/asia_1.jpg" height="225" width="300" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="left" /> Two regions have been targeted – Inner Mongolia, under Chinese attack and Rajasthan, under Indian attack together with ressistance war. Despite efforts, the Serbian forces had the initiative throughout all the fighting. The thing is that if HQs of these two countries want to throw out Serbia, they are doing it right now rong way. Serbia could always retreat to Sindh, and do same as they done to USA – move further away to Pakistan's territory. So, for full success and erasing Serbia from this side of the world, conquest of Pakistan should be first step, especially now when they have only one MPP.

On the end, Serbia won all 3 battles. But strange thing happened the next day.http://i.imagehost.org/0386/asia_2.jpg" height="225" width="300" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="left" /> During celebration of victory with his soldiers, where all consumed more than enough plum brandy, drunk Serbian president started shooting in air from AA gun.
Nearby Serbian units thought that they are under attack, so mass drunken-combat started and lasted for some 10-15 mins. This situation was used by Indian guerillas and they joined fightings.
Serbian Military police reacted, as well as Serbian field HQ in this province, so after this starting mess, proper anti-guerilla activities have been organized.

In Asia, one more interesting battle occured in Southern Thailand, where Indonesia made fail attack on this USA's colony. http://i.imagehost.org/0900/asia_3.jpg" height="225" width="300" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="left" />
It would be interesting to see more battles between these two old enemies. Possibilities for each of them are great.
Indonesia could try, together with Serbia, to attack USA's high iron region, but they have to deal with India before that, which has loads of MPPs. On the other hand, USA could try to go over Indonesia and Australia to Africa from the east, but, again risk is high cause Indonesian MPPs. In both cases, prons would be gain of important resources, and cons would be higher risk to own present colonies.

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Leisurely attitude of Brazilians in Africa has led to their struggle for survival there.
http://i.imagehost.org/0175/africa_1.jpg" height="225" width="300" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="right" /> They are fighting now with SA ressistance forces and Regular Army, supported with Eden personel, on 4 battlefields. Two of their regions – Mpumalanga and Gauteng are under double attacks.
The fightings started early in the morning, with Eden artillery barrage, but the initial success was reduced by the rapid reaction of Phoenix tanks. While Brazilian Army Forces control situation in Mpumalanga, heavy suburbs and street fightings are conducted in Gauteng. SA forces reached almost few miles away from main diamond mines in this province. Bloodbath will start in few hours, as massive forces of Eden and Phoenix closing by to this area.

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After long pause of fightings, Middle East is again playground for never forgoten hate between Turkey and Greece. http://i.imagehost.org/0867/europe_1.jpg" height="225" width="300" hspace="5" vspace="5" align="left" /> Israel found itself in the middle of that hate and combat, but not unprepered.
They repeled Turkish attack, and started counter offensive, together with Greece.
For now, it seems that Turkey could be driven away from Middle East and gets war operations in near future at own territory.
Again, both Turkey and Greece could have great gains of defeating theirs arch-enemy, but with lots of risks on the way.

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