War Policy Interview with Presidential Candidate Joshua Hoss

Day 622, 09:19 Published in USA USA by Blake Chrysostom

Hello everyone,
Joshua Hoss, Retired Airborne General and Party President, is a candidate for President of the United States this month. I got the chance to sit down and talk to Hoss and find out his views on the direction of the war. As a disclaimer, I am a member of the UIP, but I encourage everyone to read this interesting interview which deals entirely with military policy.

To learn more about Hoss, check out his campaign article.

Tell us about your military experience.

Joshua Hoss I joined the National Guard about 1 week into my eLife. After a week I was then offered a promotion to Sgt, serving under Lt. Cstarlight21 for about two weeks. Then I took her place and became a Lt. One month later I was offered the position of Major and the role as Director of Education for the National Guard. I served in that role for about 2 months, graduating many recruits. I was then promoted to the rank of Colonel and assigned the role of National Guard Quarter Master.

When I left the National Guard for the Airborne I was also elected to eCongress for the first time and assigned to the military committee. This allowed me see and work with military funding for all the branches.Half a month into my term I was given the role of Military Committee chair, which I served for the rest of that month and the full month after it.

Meanwhile, I kept the rank of Colonel and was placed as the CO of the 101st Battalion. I served in that role (which included supplying soldiers in a Quarter master role as well) for about one month, at which time I was promoted to the rank of General and given command of the Airborne. As General I was able to oversee the expansion of the Airborne and its deployment to several foreign countries, and its involvement in the current war.

How would you change our overall military strategy in this war as President (without giving away too much top secret info)?

Joshua Hoss As I have stated in the impromptu debates, I think we need to do two things. First we need to become more aggressive. We need to fund a few Resistance Wars (RWs) and make PEACE spend gold where they had not planned on doing so. If we can catch them off guard and make them react for a change we can take the war to them. Sitting back and hoping to "outlast" PEACE hasn't worked so far, and I do not believe that it will without agressive miliitary tactics.

Secondly, we need to pool our military and general public together. One of our greatest advantages going into this war was our large population. Yes many of them were dead or dying citizens, but we still need to use those who are around. By getting our military and public working together we can build up or tear down any wall. No more spreading ourselves thin in 2, 3, or 4 battles in the hopes of winning one. Instead we focus on one or two areas and win it.

How would we pool those together?

Joshua Hoss Our military is great, and when you give them orders they will do just about anything. We need to get our public more informed and know where to fight. This may need to be done by a large amount of people willing to communicate with them. This is war, and we need to get more people invovled. We have many articles being published out there with ideas and thoughts on the war. If we can tap into those and get the public more informed through them (and their publisher's shouts) we can get them focused on the correct area.

Sort of like a political party's communication team, but on a national scale?

Joshua Hoss: Yes, that is something I would create. Many people are looking for more to do in this game. Getting them involved not only helps others out, it helps them. I am a firm believer in the idea that if you give somebody something to do they tend to stick around and put more effort into the game.

How would you organize the military command structure for the war if you were president?

Joshua Hoss: To be honest, our country really cannot afford to have our military undergo mass changes. While communication between the branches and over all involvement in the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) discussions could be improved the structure as it is now can work. With the loss of Eugene Harlot as JCS Chair we have a large hole to fill at the top.

Would you be more personally involved in commanding the war than your predecessor?

Joshua Hoss: Yes. I plan on working with the JCS, but I would work with all the branches and attempt to increase branch to branch communication. I also would be willing to take on aggressive military decisions and to gather support for those if needed. We are in the largest war most of us have ever seen. Right now that war needs to be priority #1.

What do you see as the role of your running mate, Jewitt, in the war?

Joshua Hoss:Because I plan on focusing on military and foreign matters my Vice President will need to be a visiable and active domestic person. Jewitt is one heck of a budget and domestic candidate. I have announced that he will be the direct link between eCongress and my administration, giving the Legislative Branch an outlet to voice comments. Jewitt will also be responsible for keeping the public up to date on those dealings, and acting as a liason between my administration and the general public.

Finally, what should the eUS be doing differently internationally, in terms of our foreign relations?

Joshua Hoss: Well we need to start talking. Not just with our allies, but with neutral nations and even with PEACE nations. No I do not want to sign a surrender or unfair peace treaty. What I do want is to see exactly what peace wants at the time of talking to them and to make sure they do not get it. I also want them to know that we do not plan on just giving in to them. Hopefully we can show them that we are serious about this war and we do not intend to just roll over and die.

As for our allies I believe we need greater coordination. I have proposed a joint military command with Canada. This will need to be tested out, but could grow to expand other allies as well.We also need to get more neuatral nations involved. We need to show them that if we fall they will not be very far from the same fate.

So an Allied command, like WWII?

Joshua Hoss: Yes, in a sense. Coordination is one of my biggest things. We need to get everyone working on the same page.

Any other words for the American people?

Joshua Hoss: As far as this election is concerned everyone needs to ask themselves if they are happy right now. If not then make sure you voice that on the 5th. Beyond the elections the only thing that I can say is to keep your chins up. We are eAmerican, and we will make it through this.