War Looming?

Day 1,196, 16:27 Published in Australia Australia by Kelzing

As I was going through different newspapers inside of different countries I have found one to be interesting for Australia. In this article I read, an article titled “Indonesia joins NWO, Declares war on the eUSA”, about Indonesia declaring Natural Enemy on the USA.

Here is the Natural Enemy proposal

Also, here is the newspaper that I read from that you might find interesting.


How might this bring war to Australia against Indonesia? Currently Australia has an MPP with the USA. If and once Indonesia invades the USA, we will be brought into the fight against Indonesia because of the MPP. This will bring a chance for some eAussies to destroy some eIndos if that is something on their list of things to do.

I do not believe this will bring an Official RW from the Australian Government to take back our previous states. But, I could be wrong.

Anyway, have fun watching this play out.