War is Peace

Day 643, 21:37 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Citizens, soldiers, colleagues and friends of the Great Japanese Empire, it is the duty of the Ministry of Interior Affairs to inform you that our nation will soon be at war with the Republic of Korea. But this war is no act of aggression on either part. No, in fact, this war is but the most efficient method by which the Republic of Korea can obtain its desired independence from our Great Union. You can see Korean Leader Yonai Keiko's statement here.

Our own Most Noble President Minamoto Yoritomo issued this statement:
"We're constantly working with our South Korean counterparts to ensure a smooth and above all, safe transfer of regions. Citizens need not be alarmed."

In the President's wisdom, we will be meeting the Korean declaration of war not with terror and concern, but with open arms. It is our duty to give our Korean brothers all the support we can afford, as we always have in the past.

Resistance war is one path, open war is the other. It has been determined, by those with the wisdom to lead, that open war is the best path to peace.

It is said that the spilling of blood is a sin. But it is one that we willingly do, for by it we establish Peace Under Heaven.

~真理大臣, 御剣令治, 日本の声
~The Minister of Interior Affairs, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK