War in Russia, A Cynic for Congress

Day 540, 16:27 Published in USA USA by Cynic Grim

As it happened 2 hours ago, an attack has been launched on russia. I encourage all my readers to make sure your battles occur there, tomorrow, and (if possible) today. Taking that region of russia will be of benefit to us, supplying us with a high reasource zone we lack. This will strengthen our economy, and hopefully create cheaper gift prices throughout our nation. We can't always rely on wars of the actual or training variety, to keep our wellness up. Thus, this attack will yeild a benefit, if we can win it. Right now, alot of eUSA's heavy hitters have unloaded, and the numbers look great for us, so why should you attack?

Russia has 11 allies for this battle, and we have 0. Some of those allies are involved in the indo/romanian conflict, and that has been eating some of their heavy hitters, however, there are alot more potential defenders for them, then we have attackers. I am not telling you to go buy weapons to do battle, if you can't afford them, and are saving for something, continue to do that, but every additional point we can add to our attack, will help cancel out some of the enemy's non-heavy hitters, so participate.

Also, I will be running for Congressman of Georgia. A vote for Grim is a vote for increased defensive building placement, a vote for cynicism, and a vote to question the actions of others.
I will elaborate on this in future articles, but really, its all about russia today, not me. 🙂