War games results

Day 1,187, 09:26 Published in Canada Canada by Duke Leto

So I am sorry for not posting this earlier. My internet had the dreaded unidentified network error which I fixed. The results were very disappointing, but expected. Only a few people participated and I am pleased to say that this session was a total failure. Here are the results.

Reserve Air
Total Influence 103,227
Shurgu: 97245
Simon Fraser: 5982

1st steel rain
Disqualified for no visible participation

1st Infantry
Disqualified for no visible participation

Coda’s black knights
I will post the results after somebody tells me XD

We will have an official winner as soon as somebody gives me a grand total for Coda’s black knights as well as a point breakdown. Until then, congrats Shurgu! Your prize will be sent to you shortly.