War games - next battle update + IDF orders

Day 556, 09:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur

Dear Irish citizens,

A new battle will be launched the 30th of May at approximately 08.00 Erepublik time, for your maximum convenience and war game pleasure.

This battle will take place on Rhode Island, USA.

There are however special circumstances this time. All members of the IDF that will be contacted very soon, either by your CO or by the MoD, are NOT to train in the war games. You will be sent to a different location on another mission. Do not waste the weapons that will be supplied to you by the IDF in the training war. Upon receiving the orders, execute them as detailed.

For all the other people, IDF members that weren't called up, all normal citizens and congressmen, feel free to enjoy the war game from whichever location you choose as that is what they are here for. Enlistees should also receive some weaponry to train with. IDF Being sent abroad naturally has priority to the state stocks.

Hopefully everyone can enjoy them. The time table has switched a couple of hours due to my real - life schedule saturdayevening. I moved the launch date a bit earlier so you could still start your training tomorrow and still have enough time left the day after to train again.

Keep an eye out for possible updates!


President of Ireland