War Comes to Ireland

Day 814, 18:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

Northeast of Ireland, IRELAND-- War. Yes, war. The word on the lips of so many here in Ireland for so long is finally being spoken for real. It is no secret. We can see the proposal and count the votes. Ireland is going to be at war with Norway with the aim of gaining Northern Ireland and uniting the whole island under one flag.

Now there are some voices raised against this action and there are some who cheer. The debate over the how wise this war is will probably go on after even after the war is over. The debate can wait. What can not wait is the coming together of the entire Irish nation to support this military action. All citizens need to fight and fight well. All members of the Irish Defence Forces need to follow orders and fight when told. We need to win this war for the good of Ireland, not just the enlarging of our borders and uniting Ireland. To lose would be a blow to Irish pride and would decrease our standing in the eyes of the world.

We need to be strong and united in our resolve. The fighting is not the only stage of this war that is important. We will need a strong diplomatic offensive to hold on to what we gain. We are not a superpower. This war will take all our strengths, military and diplomatic to obtain an outcome that we desire. We will need a public relations offensive to show the world the righteousness of our cause.

Ireland, we can do this. We just need to be strong and united in our efforts. I hope to see many of you tomorrow when the time comes to move Ireland forward into the future.