War and PEACE

Day 603, 13:02 Published in USA USA by stancel

Alaska was attacked by the Russians, and the war with PEACE came to American land. But the USA was victorious and secured Alaska. France conquered Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, although the victory in the latter is being attributed by the President to server issues. The USA attacked French-occupied Nova Scotia to hold off the French invasion, and is urging Americans not to fight in that war until the last log-in of the day.

The resistance wars in Zhejiang and Scotland lost. New resistance wars opened up in Burgenland (controlled by Hungary), and Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and Kyushu (controlled by Indonesia). Here's to the victory of the resistance!

Chile signed a lot of peace treaties. A LOT.

As part of the ever-growing gap in ties between the US and UK, the US has stopped trading with the United Kingdom, by a 39 to 1 vote in Congress. A similar ban on trade passed in Canada unanimously.

It is still likely that Indonesia will attack Hawaii today.

update: Burgenland was secured by Hungary. A new resistance war has begun in Prince Edward Island, Canada.