War and Peace #12: MPP Revamp and the Introduction of...MAP's! [USA]

Day 727, 14:12 Published in USA United Kingdom by Guolin

Only a while ago, admin decided to raise the cost of MPP's. Many citizens, including myself, oppose this. So, what can we do about the war module to improve it? This is what this article intends to target.

First of all, we need to change Mutual Protection Pacts (MPP's). Admin complained that nations aren't attacking each other enough because they were afraid to activate MPP's. (for the newb readers out there, please look on the eRep Wiki if you do not understand what a Mutual Protection Pact is) The initial solution to counter this is to keep MPP alliances activated ONLY until the nation does not require protection. In other words, let's say the US attacks Far Eastern Russia. All of Russia's MPP's will activate for that battle. Let's say the US manages to conquer FER, but fails to conquer another Russian region. Russia gets initiative...and loses their list of MPP's. However, all of their MAP's will activate, which I will get to next. This allows for the US to attack Russia without fear of *activating MPP's that will be used to retaliate against the US*. In return, MPP's will return to original cost, or something around there, maybe 25g or 50g.

I mentioned MAP's above. You may, or may not if you feel too tired to care, have asked "What are MAP's???!" MAP's are Mutual Aggression Pacts. There are multiple ways to approach this. The first way I thought of was for all of a nation's MAP's to activate when the nation attacks an enemy's original region that belongs to them. The countries they have an MAP with will be added to their alliance list of the war. Another way to approach this is to have them activate if a nation is attacking an enemy's region that is NOT one of their original regions. The first "method" would aid domination of other nations (compared to the second way) and securing conquered regions, pitting nations 1v1 should a conquered region be attacked. The second would make domination harder and cause conquered regions to be less secure. A thid way to do it is to allow MAP's to activate whenever a nation attacks another nation, aiding the domination of other nations but allows the conquered regions to be easily conquered back. Either way, I propose the cost of an MAP to be in the range of 250-1000g. It depends on the method of approach.

As you can see, this may easily allow wars to be more exciting, encouraging nations to attack other nations as the act of war will not be used effectively against the attacker. MPP's will not be activated against them, so if the defender retaliates, the only downside is the cost of the war. However, actually conquering the regions will be harder. This can prevent little nations like North Korea from being completely conquered, though it may still happen especially if the defending nation has almost no MPP's.

As a related note, another decent idea of mine would be to combine double whammies under a single screen, but this idea isn't as developed. So I wouldn't go into detail. 😛

Please, if you like this idea but would like to tweak it a little or suggest a method of approach for MAP's/single-screen-double-whammies, please leave a comment. Also, please vote to get this in the top 10 or even 5, subscribe to read future articles by yours truly, and vote up the Canadian version.

Thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it! If we get enough votes, I may even suggest this on the forum.