Want Higher Quality Food?

Day 463, 14:04 Published in China Croatia by logomaster304

I have a new update for the Chinese citizens. for the past few days I have been reading articles and getting messages and most of them talk about the same thing, High Quality food

so I finally managed to get some gold so I created a Q2 Food Company in eChina. Its called the Freedom Fighter Food -

so far I only have 2 workers 🙁
and the 2 workers together make about 15 food which is not enough for the citizens because the food was sold out within minutes. so to provide cheap High Q Food, the company needs more workers. so if you are good in Manufacturing and you don't have a job or are working for a country with more workers than required for High Productivity then please leave and join Freedom Fighter Food, because that will not only help the Company with more workers than necessary by giving them more productivity per worker. it will also help by making more Products for my company and in return giving you good food for cheap.

I have many job offers for all levels in Manufacturing in the Human Resources. so if any of you would like to help then please work for my company.

Thank You,