Wait what?

Day 682, 14:40 Published in Sweden Sweden by Alecian

Not many things can make you look more stupid than contradicting what you are saying, and in this case contradicting what you're saying to all the citizens of your whole alliance.

PEACE GC😒 official newspaper released an article earlier today saying "...as we talk, Russia start one offensive to recover this territories and RW them giving it back to the norwish people."

So, with that said, PEACE says they're working "to help" Norway to retrieve their original regions...

And exactly how are they contradicting themselves? By tanking in Trondelag... While Finland is fighting red in the battle so that Norway will retrieve their region there are PEACE soldiers fighting for green.

Why are they doing this? Because Russia is attacking Trondelag so IF Trondelag goes back to Norway that means that Russia won't conquer it...

So instead of PEACE saying: "...as we talk, Russia start one offensive to recover this territories and RW them giving it back to the norwish people."

What PEACE should have said: "...as we talk, Russia started an offensive to stop the Finnish from giving their region back to the Norwegians who rightfully owns it via a RW. We want our puppet Russia to conquer it so that we can GIVE IT BACK TO NORWAY *winkwink*"

Yea... Riiiight 🙂