VVV- Fight Blueish Yellow -VVV

Day 653, 12:59 Published in Canada Canada by Augustus Baldwin

~~~~~ Eco Friendly fight Blueish Yellow ~~~~~

FIGHT BLUEISH YELLOW in Mozambique! Official Orders!
The day we have been dreading for the last two years is finally upon us! The squirrel hordes are sweeping down from the north! We need Mozambique so that we can continue to kick the Chipmunks backside out of Outer Mongolia! But fight at the last log - in.

~~~****~~~****~~~ Bulletin ~~~****~~~****~~~

~~~***~~~*** Accomplishments ***~~~***~~~

- Dealt 25 000 squirrels killed with my car
- Sponsored half a dozen Canadians to also kill squirrels
- Hired a drunk townie to drive through the park hitting squirrels
- Helped eliminate the local rabbit population through use of Trojan Rabbit
- Killed over 250 baby kittens!
- 15G donated to Canada to help in squirrel killing
- Dealt 25 000 squirrels killed with a framing hammer

~~~***~~~***~~~***~~~***~~~* **~~~***~~~

Vote this up to help other Canadians kill squirrels!
Also a portion of any profits will be donated to Canada

-Canadian Cabinet - Chief of Staff
-Congressman of Alberta
3 Times Congressman