Voting Record- NJ- Friday edition- Week 1

Day 465, 11:14 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

In an effort to keep my constituents informed, I promised a weekly voting record published every Friday for the state of New Jersey. I also want to inform the public that I have been nominated for Speaker of the House. The vote will likely happen sometime this weekend. If elected, I promise to strive for organization, civility, and efficiency in Congress.

Now, for the votes.

MPP with Israel
My vote: Yes, Passed 61-1
Rationale: Israel is a peace loving country. Plus, it is surrounded by PEACE neighbors so needs to be watched closely.

Min. Wage 1.00 > 1.01
My vote: No, Failed 5-56
Rationale: New players are only on Skill level 0 for two days and can easily get a higher wage quickly. Sides, its only a 1 cent raise. It makes no difference.

Tax Change: Diamonds (PANEC)
My vote: Yes, Passed 37-20
Rationale: While on a whole, I'm against the PANEC plan, since there are so little diamonds in the US and so few companies that I believe the industry as a whole can take the hit for the sake of getting more money back in the treasury.

Issue Money- 3USD for .015 Gold
My vote: No, Failed 1-58
Rationale: Obviously, a joke proposal.

New citizen fee change from 5 to 10 USD
My vote: No, Failed 0-60
Rationale: Again, another joke proposal which would drain our treasury dry.

Donate- 1337 GRD to the Church of Lewdaism
My vote: No, Failed 10-50
Rationale: As much as I love Senator Lewis, this was again a joke proposal.

Presidential Impeachment
My vote: No, Failed 23-40
Rationale: Even though I don't agree with all of Sam's stances, he did nothing to merit impeachment.

Tax Change: Oil- (PANEC)
My vote: No, still pending- current vote 42-9
Rationale: I am against PANEC as a whole as they're significantly raising the income tax for our citizens. I believe in a free market where citizens can spend their money freely. Most of the money for PANEC is going to fund war which is good, but the government wants to make government run weapons companies which will take away from the private sector which might ultimately harm business owners and the market.

Declare War- Mexico
My vote: Yes, still pending- current vote 45-4
Rationale: Mexico's congress was taken over by PEACE. We must act now to defend ourselves.

Donate- 70,000 USD to Fort Knox.
My vote, Yes, still pending, current vote 39-3
Rationale: This is to fund the war effort.