Voting Record for Alaska Days 740-743

Day 743, 19:24 Published in USA Greece by Maxx Johnson

Relevant Forum Votes:
I forgot to include these in my first article on voting.

Vote for Speaker of the House
Vote: Serendipitous
Result: Seredipitous
Rationale: As a freshman Congressman it’s somewhat difficult to cast a vote for who should lead certain things, such as Speaker or Committee Chairs. However, within a handful of hours of the start of the new session (which was on Thanksgiving no less) I already had several mails from Seredipitous on things that need to be dealt with immediately, links to threads that I needed to be up to speed with, and just a basic overview of what needed to be done to transition smoothly to the new session. This initiative made the decision fairly simple for me, as this gave me an impression of who would stay on track and handle things in a timely manner.

Vote to join the EDEN Alliance:

Vote: Yes
Result: Passed 40-4-6

Obviously there were more votes than that however they dealt mainly with restructuring committees, and procedural issues.

Here were the normal proposals and votes for Days 740-742:

Date: 11/29 Day 740 of the New World
President of USA proposed a mutual protection pact with Australia
Proposed by: Josh Frost
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted 49-0
Rationale: This is a routine extension of our current MPP with eAustralia.

Date: 11/29 Day 740 of the New World
President of Finland proposed a mutual protection pact with USA
Proposed by: Kuhaa
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted 49-0
Rationale: This is a routine extension of our MPP with Finland.

Date: 11/29 Day 740 of the New World
Do you agree to transfer 39000 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Proposed by: Daniel Dodge
Vote: Yes
Result: 49-0
Rationale: This was a vote to transfer funds to the CBO. Transfers can only be made from the national accounts every 24 hours. By moving funds to the CBO, this allows us to move money to different organizations as it is needed rather than waiting another 24 hours.

Date: 11/30 Day 741 of the New World
Do you agree to transfer 20500 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Proposed by: Fionia
Vote: Yes
Result: Accepted 51-0
Rationale: This was a vote to transfer funds to the CBO. Transfers can only be made from the national accounts every 24 hours. By moving funds to the CBO, this allows us to move money to different organizations as it is needed rather than waiting another 24 hours.

Date: 12/2 Day 743 of the New World
President of India proposed a mutual protection pact with USA
Proposed by: kansarasumit
Vote: No
Result: In progress 22-28
Rationale: This was an unsanctioned request for a protection pact and did not clear through President Frost prior to be putting up for a vote.

Date: 12/2 Day 743 of the New World
Do you agree to transfer 29964 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Proposed by: St Krems
Vote: Yes
Result: In progress 42-0
Rationale: This was a vote to transfer funds to the CBO. Transfers can only be made from the national accounts every 24 hours. By moving funds to the CBO, this allows us to move money to different organizations as it is needed rather than waiting another 24 hours.