Voting Pros and Cons

Day 897, 06:07 Published in USA USA by Jack Mensley

Good morning everyone. Its a beautiful day where i live and I've decided to use this time to write a paper upon the goals.
Also i have realized i bust a lot upon the health care stuff. yes that is my concern, but there is a limit for me.

I would like to talk about the imminent Presidents current path and its pros and cons.
Now the pros of this president are the goal that all other candidates have, to capture a country of Serbia. If we can get Liaoning of Serbia then we can distract them from Croatia and let our ally retaliate and gain a win for EDAN.
Now what we also see that is positive of his goal is the GDP 7% increase, though it is hard to increase GDP we all hope we can gain as much GDP as possible.

Like the saying is, 1% GDP keeps the doctor away.

Another pro is the population increase. We love people to join and immigrate, but its not up to the president to increase population of eUS, it is us.

The citizens of eUSA

So now we are at the final pro (that I can do), We have the experienced men of the military and politics in the cabinet of the president. We all love experience and our old presidents and such. Even though we love our eCountries history, we need to watch the people who lead it. Which brings me to our first Con. The Country men and the leaders, they need to be seen as who they are and what they did and how it helped America, so we need to examine the cabinet of the president to see if his leadership is proper.

The second con is absolutely nothing that can be found now. The president is a good choice, but down the road we must take a look to see these 4 things about him and his cabinet.

We all know that the serbs want their areas back and we’re not going to let them and Pheonix will do what they can to push us back. So we’ll need this president to lead us into battle and a great general to command us.
We also need a leader to bring us good ol’ GDP

and men to help fight, work, live and more
Finally the fourth thing to see about our presidents is their patriotic views and concern for the welfare of the country.
We look forward to Mr. Harrison as president and I hope that he does a damn fine job.

Article written by
9:05am eastern pacific
Jack Mensley

(please give constructive critisizem)