Voting is SEXY if you know what you're doing

Day 853, 08:14 Published in USA USA by Federalist Party

What everyone should know about elections:

Only the five parties with the most members can win congressional seats. It is a function of the game. However, small parties can usually negotiate with the Top 5 party leaders to find a place to run under one of their banners.

The top five parties often try to target specific States and do attempt to coordinate this with the other parties. Sometimes that doesn’t work. Sometimes it does. If you want to get in congress or want to have your vote matter then you need to work with one of the top five parties or make your party one of the five parties with the most members.

Each month, usually right after the Party President election, the Party President will ask their members who wants to run for congress. Then a day before the Congressional election the Party President will make their official choices as to who will be their party’s official candidate for each State. Only that candidate is “qualified” and can possibly win.

You will often hear these terms where the parties do their planning: Blocking, PTO, Mobile Voting, and Sniping.

Blocking - No one party has enough members to hope to win every seat in all 51 current States. So the parties will often designate someone to sit in the place of a candidate for a State, but will not commit resources to their election. The reason for putting a blocker in place is to prohibit an enemy of the eUS from running and potentially gaining a seat.

PTO – Political Take Over – If a party president does not specify a candidate for a State then, anyone can put their name in as a candidate for a top five party and possibly win. For example, if the AAP does not specify someone for Kansas then a group from Brazil might have someone run for Kansas as an AAP member. They then will move a large number of people from Brazil to Kansas and vote for their person. Since they can concentrate their vote in one place they can often overwhelm all other parties. Thus Brazil can gain a person in the eusa government that can influence policy and approve citizenship requests from other enemies.

Mobile Voting – Parties usually organize their members to vote for only their party's candidates, no matter where they are located. The party will generally provide moving tickets to those who volunteer for mobile voting, and will provide them with a location and a candidate to vote for. Successful parties use this strategy to ensure they secure more than one seat in an election.

Sniping – Snipers are mobile voters who wait until the last few minutes before reset to cast their vote. They are organized to either widen the gap in a close race or overtake an opponent that had been steadily winning all day.

Traitors – Sometimes people who have volunteered to be blockers decide they actually want to compete. They will campaign and solicit votes for themselves, even though they agreed to serve as a blocker. If their own party doesn't view this as a betrayal of trust, everyone else will.

If you want to make your congressional vote count, then stop by one of the top five party forums or IRC channels and ask to get involved.

This has been a friendly public service message brought to you by the Federalist Party

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