Voting and elections.

Day 605, 14:16 Published in USA USA by Jaime Hasten

Over the past couple of days, there has been a lot of furor about the planned canceling of the July 25th congressional election. Both sides of this debate have real and powerful arguments going for them, and both sides make valid points. I have made no secret that I am opposed to the principle of negating the right of eAmerican citizens to choose their representatives, even during a war.

However, we cannot ignore the fact that while we bicker over this, PEACE is laughing at us, since they have no qualms against sending gangs of vigilantes to other countries to corrupt their elections and force them to accept the will of PEACE representatives elected instead of loyal citizens of that country. We must take decisive and effective action to counter that threat, and we cannot do so while we fight amongst ourselves, worthy though the fight may be.

Therefore, I am proposing the following compromise solution to the debate.

First, the elections should not be frozen. Before you tune me out for saying this, hear my reasoning. It is effectively impossible for party leaders to prevent their members from running for a particular state if they so choose, and there is no surer way to degrade one's authority than to give orders that will not be followed. We should make a virtue out of an inevitability and give our blessings to people who choose to run and participate in our democracy.

Second, the party presidents (and by this I mean all of them, not just the top five), should pledge not to move votes to a state to contest an election there save only if it is confirmed that there is an attempt to subvert it by foreign operatives. This will not prevent individuals from moving to a state to vote there if they choose, but it will stop most organized attempts to flip an election and will keep the parties from squabbling amongst themselves for seats.

Third, the party presidents should all ask their members to volunteer for anti-PTO operations around the world, such as the Air Force. This is very important, because by doing so, we will be able to overcome the groups who seek to force their will over that of the citizens of a country. By doing this, we can perhaps change the course of this war far more than we could with mere weapons.

Make no mistake, some will still call this a subversion of the democratic process. But it is far better than spending all our time and energy fighting over seats in Congress while our allies face organized attempts by PEACE to subvert their governments. We have already had one ally turn its coat. We cannot afford for any others to be made to do the same.

As for me? I have already volunteered to help out, though I am waiting for a response. This despite the fact that I was planning to run for office this election cycle. But I'm willing to pass that up in the face of the threat posed by PEACE. I hope that I am but the first of many.
