Vote [WARS 7] for progress

Day 1,699, 02:15 Published in Saudi Arabia Bolivia by Hussan

Hello all.

The PP is a very dire election because it is the only democratic election in eKSA that actually counts (thanks to the admins making this game "fair"). So, in order to secure seats in congress along with a presidential position that doesn't belong to either a puppet or a multying PTOer, we need to elect someone we can trust. and that guy is Wars 7.

Wars 7 has been active in eKSA ever since I remember, and that was the creation of eKSA itself(correct me if im wrong :/) and has pushed to both rid the country of PTOers along with liberating regions. He is supported by the eArab community and is also supported by the majority of the eSaudi community. I ask that you show your support to Wars 7 today! 😃