Vote Tommy

Day 456, 05:14 Published in United Kingdom India by Tommy Tommasino
North West Congress February 2009


- Former Minister of Migration and Support
- Former Country President Candidate
- Former Party President of MDU
- Former North West NHS Director

I have served as your former NHS director here in the North West and am a previous contender for the Congress seats in this region and am back to fight for my place once again.

Why vote Tommy?

- Extremely active both within and
- I speak sincerely for the common good, and have taken public views to the political sphere time and time again.
- I am an advocate of representation as far as possible
- Having been the Minister of Migration and Support I am well aware of the work it takes to get a region active
- Since BBB got into congress i was nominated for 'best eUKer not to have been in congress' 😉
- I pledge to bring a new level of activity to the North West, and work on encouraging regional debate on political issues.

Vote for a candidate you deserve! Vote Tommy Tommasino : UKRP