Day 1,089, 12:24 Published in New Zealand USA by Pragmat

Greetings my fellow New Zealanders,

My name is Daniel Dodge, and I am running for the Presidency of the Kiwi People's Party. Vote for me

Some Music (Yes I know its Australian)

A Little About Me

I have been playing eRep for over a year now. I spent most of that time in the eUS but also resided in eSouth Africa for a couple of months. I have been involved in government and the military and enjoyed myself immensely.

Current eNZ Minister of Internal Affairs
Current eNZ Ambassador to the eUS
Sergeant, eNZ Army, Platoon 202, The Raging Moas
4 Terms eUS Congress
1 Term eSA Congress
1 Term Party President, Green Party
Former Director of Communications, America's Advancement Party
Former Regional Director, eUS Department of State
Former Deputy Secretary of Interior, eUS
Former Director, The Salvation Army

I have also spent some time as part of the leadership team for the AAP (before it imploded) and was a member of the both the eUS and the eSA Armed Forces.

If elected I vow to work hard to make the KPP the premier party here in eNew Zealand.

Member Activism

Sitting at 41 members, the KPP is currently a top 5 party. If elected my first act as Party President will be to comb the current party membership for any willing volunteers, intrepid souls ready to step up and help in party leadership. This will help to build a more organized party and also aid in member activism and player retention. My goal is to be the #1 party by this time next month.


My second act will be a motion to make a motion, I was thinking perhaps a mixture of the Macarena and the Cotton-Eyed Joe (I am taking name suggestions).


My third goal as Party President is to step up recruitment. If anyone happens to know how to use API and Google spreadsheets together.....let me know because I would much appreciate it. While I would like this party to grow, we must never forget where we came from. We must never forget our roots. I vow that the KPP will always be answerable to the people and will stick up for the little guy. If you feel you are not being heard, if you feel that the Parliament and the Prime Minister are not representing you, I urge you to join the KPP. I cannot promise you everything, but I can promise you that we will fight for you.

I know that you have heard much of the above before from countless small party leaders so I understand if you are skeptical. Hopefully a month from now our parties actions can speak for themselves.


My fourth goal is to get more KPP representation into becoming a larger voice in the eNZ government, we can advocate our positions and do what is best for you the citizens.


A good Public Relations team is key to growing as a party. If elected I will begin organizing a Communications Department to convey our message to the people. We will also use this Department to highlight promising writers in our party and vote up their articles.

Honestly, we are not a large enough party to need more than this. We do not need our own IRC room, and honestly we do not need our own forum. Those things may come down the road, but for now we need to focus on being active, growing and having fun.

So if you are looking for a party, if you are disenchanted with where you are now or are looking to join a political party for the first time I urge you to consider joining the Kiwi People's Party.


Thank you for your time and please vote for me, Daniel Dodge on the 15th for KPP President!

-Daniel Dodge