Vote The-Enigma for congress in the Northeast of Ireland

Day 671, 09:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by The-Enigma

I think that you should vote me into congress in the Northeast of Ireland, because I am an Irish Nationalist, and a vote for me is a vote for Ireland.

I am very active on the forums. I am a dedicated member of the eIrish Community. I will make the promise that I will never go inactive, and that if I do; it will only last a day or two at max. I have never missed a vote in the time i have been in eRepublik.

I am an experienced business owner and want to achieve the best out of the Irish Economy. I want to make the value of the IEP to increase. This will make Ireland a great potential investment, and will attract more business men, which in turn will help the economy. I would especially encourage the decision to get better hospitals (at least Q4 or Q5) in most, if not all of Ireland’s regions.

My views on Ireland’s Neutrality:

1. Ireland needs to make a decision on which side to take. Wither that be Eden, Fortis, PEACE GC. Being a neutral country is bad for the economy: in eRepublik most economies are War Based. It increases productivity as everyone can access a hospital and get back to max health, it also encourage weapon companies to be started in Ireland which provides Ireland with a strong weapon supply.

2. Or there is another option; the creation of a new alliance, which could include all the neutral countries, so that if one gets attacked they could hold their own against the attacker. This would be good for all the smaller nations, especially ones that have just gained independence.
If neither of these options are acceptable we must find a way to ruffle the hafters of our weapon stocks.

I hope that I can gain your vote on the 25th of September 2009: Day 675 of the New World.