Vote Stormwhitelab for Congress!

Day 519, 21:26 Published in Canada Canada by Stormwhitelab

On April 25th, I urge citizens of Newfoundland and Labrador to vote Stormwhitelab for Congress.

Although I am still a fairly new citizen of eCanada and this my first time running for Congress, I promise to be active in voting, discussion, and working toward the future of eCanada.

My main priority will be to work hard for a higher-quality hospital and a defense system for Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as trying to get them for other provinces. Better hospitals across Canada will improve our citizens wellness, while defense systems in every province will be beneficial during times of war.

Accountability is another issue that I promise to make one of my priorities. eCanadians have to right to see what their government is doing for them, and right now that is very hard to do.

Thank-you for reading, and I hope you see me as a good candidate on April 25th!

- Stormwhitelab