Vote Stefan Dorunga for London April '09!

Day 521, 02:56 Published in United Kingdom Romania by Stefan Dorunga

First of all I'd like to thank all the people that voted for me last month and I hope that you will do so again. For those who don't know me, I have served last month as congressman for London and uMoFA together Ryan McCulloch serving under Sara Droz. It was an interesting month for our foreign affairs marking a step in the direction of our diplomatic rise. I have been active in Commons debating and voting on legislation which has ranged from ground-braking and reformist to utterly pointless. It has been quite an interesting month, and as some of you may know, I have lost the race for PP of the UKRP to the dubious victory of Marcus Aurelius, this has not discouraged me, on the contrary it has made me want to prove myself worthy of your trust even more than ever. This has again reminded me of the power of new people with fresh ideas which should be mentored, supported and inspired.

To the effect of getting new players more involved and feel more welcome to the game one goal I have this month is to complete the idea that I began working on with Sara and Jan Baykara(the other two congresspersons for London) last month. This would bring affordable housing to hard working citizens in order to increase their standard of living. This would allow them to maintain their wellness easier and with lower quality food, which would enable them to work in quality workplaces earning them a considerably higher salary. As for the 5 gold I will earn as congressman, as last time, I will either provide it as a downpayment for a Q2 house to one lucky beginner, or place it into one of our government's programs(again in the aid of our citizens).

The reasons you should vote for me, yes there are more than one, are simple and should be taken into account everytime you vote for someone. I have been active for the entire time of my stay in office, which is a commitment I make for the following month, as I will not leave office prematurely as some of our collegues have in the past, unless I have a serious issue in real life(which I do not foresee in the near future). I have done this before, which for some may not mean much, but I am far better suited to dealing with the daily workings of our government than I was at the begining of my term. The contacts I have made during my time here allow me to get advice on all issues I know not enough about in order to be informed and decide what is right/wrong accordingly. And last but not least, you should vote for me because I want to represent you and your opinions which I urge you to communicate if you consider them important, and if you ever need advice I am always open to give it to you.

In the end I urge you all to vote as it is your basic right, inform yourselves on the candidates, vote for the ones with manifestos and who are trustworthy, watch for the party approval articles that usually come by this time of year and choose the candidate that's right for you.
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