Vote S-Mac31 in Vermont!

Day 914, 17:36 Published in USA USA by S-Mac31

Hello fine citizens of this fine country, i am using this as my platform to discuss political issues. I will be running for congress in Vermont, and I will supply moving tickets to any one willing to vote. So I know who you are, please comment or private message me to recieve your moving tickets,

First Topic: PTO's.

Sometimes, after a long day, I sit at my computer wondering why people citizens try and take over there own countrys parties. To me, it is a childish and rediculous thing. We are all one country, and we need to unite as one country, or we WILL be steamrolled by other countries. I would say we are a rather organized country, until election day rolls around, all hell breaks loose. People scramble to gather votes and stop PTO's. If it is another countries attempt at a PTO, it must be stopped. Otherwise, STAY IN YOUR OWN PARTY. Your crippling a nation from the inside out with an obsession for power.

Second Topic: Taxes

I own a copmany under my organization, and the 23% taxes in all industries are crippling. I know many many people who have companies in other countries, because the taxes are so unbearable. After doing a little math, I believe with a 3% drop to 20% in taxes, the orgs will return to the country, and more money will be pumped into the economy, instead of another countries.

Third Topic: Spies overseas

I believe that the country needs an increase in billingual overseas spies. If we have people that are high ranking, we can send them to these countries, and find out about planned PTO's days before we usually do. This means you dont have to pull your hair out being told to vote in 74 different places. I also would like to see more spies, and more organization around them.

Any questions you would like answered that you didnt see? Any comments or concerns? Drop me a PM or leave a comment on the article, it will be responded to with 24 hours.


yes, thats right.