Vote or Die

Day 1,565, 09:16 Published in Malaysia Hungary by vareyz

Hello everyone!
As many of you noticed I am the official Country President candidate of the Malaysian Hannah Montana party so it’s time to reveal the TOP SECRET PLANS of the government.

The cabinet will focus on the role of the following departments:

1,Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2,Ministry of Defense
3,Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Affairs
4,Ministry of Economy

The cabinet will give the best to make these departments function as it is needed to help the development of eMalaysia.

In my first article I will talk about the work of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense and the second part that comes out tomorrow will explain the jobs of Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of Economy. Hope you will like the ideas.

First of all the main goal here is to keep current regions and expand our territories to get new resources but only in a diplomatic way by renting them. In the next few days I will try to contact neighbour countries CP candidates in hope of making a deal of posibble region rents. Now that there is no more NE bonus it won’t be necessary to have a TW but we are open to any fun of a possible TW.
The next important task is to establish a good relation with our neighbours and with our best allies like China, Bulgaria, Croatia etc. and even to make new friends from all over the world.

All in all these are the plans to rough out it can change in any moment so i will try my best to give informations about future changes.
Best regards,