Vote NO on Indian MPP

Day 1,051, 11:05 Published in Canada USA by PimpDollaz

I've been away for the last few days, camping in the wilderness, so I don't know why we are voting Yes on an MPP with India.

I urge all Congress members to vote it down in a show of solidarity with our allies. I assume that when the time comes, Croatia won't be renewing their MPP either.

India has had a bit of a history of trying to play both alliances off against the other and has shown that they cannot be trusted to remain committed to one side. They recently sought an MPP with Hungary, and before that, were willing to use Serbia to remove the American presence in their nation if the US reneged on their deal with over Karnataka. The US fulfilled their end of the bargain, but the threat of seeking help from the enemy is not what a good ally would do.

India is an opportunistic nation, and they their leadership doesn't seem as if they have the sophistication to operate as an equal member in a partnership of peer nations. I do not recommend an MPP with them at this time. Please vote the proposal down as our relationship with the US is worth more to us than our relationship with India.