Vote Londons Welcomes Councillor into Congress again!

Day 674, 03:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus

Hello London.

I am once again running for the House of Commons as the Official>BEP Candidate and I would of course love to have your support once again.

I think it is crucial for the citizens of the London region to have one of their councillors represented in the House of Commons at a national level. This will allow me to campaign for better awareness and conditions for the newer citizens. I am already the Welcome Councillor for London, tasked with welcoming and encouraging new citizens into the forums and perhaps giving them a helping hand along the way.

To this end in the last month I have:
- created a food & weapons company [>LGmobile.Food,>LGmobileArmaments] to assist me with the London gifting schemes to welcome new citizens to London.
- Proposed, and had accepted, a VAT reduction on weapons to make them more affordable for the general public. This came into force yesterday
- Helped argue & voted for MaddogJones's proposal to cut VAT on Food to 1%, again assisting the newer citizen afford better quality food.
- Personally emailed every worker between levels 1 & 3 working for a UKNP sub-company such as Neutral Gifts in order to alert them to the fraudulent nature of their employer.
- Pressurized the administrators to investigate and ultimately outlaw fraudulent organisations such as the UKNP who's sole aim seems to be to trap and bore/confuse citizens by having fake companies & jobs created - They have promised me that the new economic module soon to be released will prohibit this sort of activity.

In the next parliament, I would like the opportunity to campaign for a mentoring scheme, where experienced citizens would be tasked with, and rewarded for, bringing newer players into the game and up to fighting strength. At present, the eUK has a good sized population, yet our military strength (average strength per citizen) is poor compared to our competitors and our military organisation is shocking! Indonesia, for example, SMS's it's top strength soldiers as and when they need to fight in a battle. By comparison, the eUK Congress this month has been debating the dissolution of the Royal Guard and it takes weeks for any applications to be processed. Also I have lost count of the times I have had to advise players on how to use hospitals to fight and heal effectively - why is the Government not helping our new soldiers?

This whole section of the nation needs root & branch reform and only a new, dynamic political party will be able to bring this. The older, larger, complacent and elitist parties are too comfortable at the top and do not like change. The recent polarised debates over the tax and House of Lords changes showed there to be an undemocratic and conservative clique within the eUK Governement that needs to be moved on.

Vote for the British Emire Party, the fastest growing party in the eUK, to shake up the House of Commons and restore Britain to it's rightful state as an economic and military powerhouse!

Thank you.

LG - London's Good, help me keep it that way

(Lemuel Gengulfus: Chairman of LGmobile Industries, London Welcomes Councillor & Official BEP Candidate for London)