Vote KOLLHTOS in South Australia, vote for our country

Day 1,069, 08:34 Published in Australia Greece by KOLLHTOS

My friends eAussies
Vote for me on 25th October in South Australia
I am not a RL politician so I won’t give fake promises. I can tell you though that I’ve had enough of the PTOers of AngelnDemon group. The eIndos have gained control by using multiaccounts. As recently published,
many of their leaders have been permanently banned for it, but many still remain.
They’ve raised the taxes and blocked eAustralia from the rest of the eWorld with their embargoes.
All the money that they steal from us, are donated to their org, even now.

They haven’t helped our country not even a bit. They don’t help new players to join the community, they don’t invest the money to hospitals in our country they just steal, steal and steal.
The Angel’n’Demons have cheated the majority of the senate many times and ruined our country.
Let us all vote for eAustralia, let us all together throw them the hell out of our country.
Vote for me in South Australia, unless you see me “wearing” an I AM SAFE avatar. That would mean for all of you to join another party and vote for another ATO candidate at SA or move to another region to vote for another MBP candidate.
If you don’t know whom to vote for, join the irc, read the aussie newspapers tomorrow and you’ll have proper guidance.
Thank you all,