Vote Guy the ANP Senator for TAS Vote for a free economy

Day 670, 15:06 Published in Australia Australia by Cortes118

Vote Guy the ANP Senator for TAS Vote for a free economy
vote Guy Baumber for his 5th term in the Australian congress congress on the 25th. I will keep this short so I don't waste your time with a long one

1. I promise to listen to the idea of the citizens and discuss them with fellow congressman.

2. I believe in the release of WA but not at this time because it would damage our economy because there is not enough people and to many companies which will cause our economy to collapse. but when we do get WA we should lower our taxes because the reason why the taxes are so high is to help fund the release of WA which would make them obsolete

3.I also believe we should have very little government intervention in the market but we should have some intervention so companies aren't overpricing.

4. I will also actively participate in congress discussion

5. I have been a very active congressman for 4 terms

6. I got a good review in this article

7. I also believe we should not sell our q5 hospital overseas because evn though we have been robbed. Because it was made by the Australian people.for the Australian people. So therefore it should not be in the hands of foreigners.

8.I was voted in as tthee top 1 canidate in Tasmania this term

9.I have been a hard working Deputy Speaker

10. I was also appointed apprentice minister of Foreign Affairs

11. Well I am totaly awesome andf if you don't vote for me you will be a loser.

so remember to vote Guy for congress. If you have any questions or suggestions please PM

By Guy Baumber
Deputy Speaker of the Senate
ANP Senator 4 times in a row
ACU soldier
Deputy Speaker of the Senate
Apprentice MOFA
Awesome Journalist.🙂