Vote for the Presentation and the Avatar!

Day 2,042, 01:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Arjay Phoenician III


You’re counted as a reader, you might as well vote!

Maybe it’s a different time and place, but I expected there to be a bunch of campaign articles this weekend. Especially this weekend, knowing the Dail will be back in action. I assumed we would have had a minor bombardment of newspaper activity on the subject, and this article would have been one of many to compete for your attention.

The absence of activity makes me wonder if self-promotion is out of line, poor form, or gauche.

Nonetheless, I want to step up and at least say this much:


Of course, I would deeply appreciate your vote on June 25. I will be running with the Independent Labour Party. While I know a country this size is perpetually on PTO alert and party presidents will be making clear who the “safe candidates” are, I hope my time in Ireland, my presence in the newspapers, my occasional peeking-in on the notoriously quiet IRC and national forum, and my contributions to eIrish University and its School of Individualist Studies will prove not only to the parties that I am a “safe candidate”, but I am also worthy of your vote.

Whether or not you vote for me, I hope you at least vote for someone who made a little effort. If you just go along with your party and vote for your buddies, that’s fine, but vote for your buddy who uses what he has to work with.

Vote for someone who at least does the bare minimum by putting together a presentation. Any presentation. If he just links to his game profile, it’s a presentation. If he links to his Wiki page, or if he writes a thoughtful essay and uses Google Docs, reward him with a vote. Otherwise, you as a voter don’t have something to look at that says this guy is worthy of your vote.

Also, vote for someone who has enough of a self-image to have an avatar. I’m incredibly surprised that there are candidates who don’t have this much. That’s something you do on your first day here. I’ve always believed your avatar is your face in this game. It is your first impression. What are you telling voters if you run for office with no avatar? That you want to be a leader, but you can’t do one of the most basic things?

Hopefully, the couple of candidates who thought it more pertinent to run for office than to post a simple avatar will get the hint in the next couple of days if they wish to be taken seriously.

As for the presentation, apparently every party lacks candidates who make just this little bit of effort. Perhaps someone will sneak theirs in while I’m writing this, but as of this writing, Eire Aonair just has one cat with a presentation, and he thought so little of it that he has a chick with frying pans over her chest to amuse you. The Irish Freedom Party also has just one, and at least he used his profile. As for the ILP, two of us have presentations.

So, of the three largest parties in Ireland, combined, only four Dail candidates thought enough of the voters to put up presentations at all.

This is a crucial time in eIrish history. I don’t want to get preachy about it, but this is a time when a new generation of leaders needs to step up, leaders who don’t take their constituents for granted and will at least make the effort to have a freaking avatar and a presentation for you, so you know what you’re getting into when you vote for the candidate of your choice.

As for me, I have my Wiki page for my presentation for now. It might change between now and the election, but I promise the voters that I will have something there for you to consider. I don’t take you for granted. I don’t think you’re stupid. I believe in democracy, or at least what passes for democracy at eRepublik.

Expect more from the people who dare to call themselves leaders. Apathy and jokes are not the stuff of leaders. If you don’t take your vote seriously, odds are the people you vote for won’t take their jobs as Congressmen or Presidents very seriously, either. We got wiped, in no small part because the last generation of leaders didn’t take their roles seriously.

I’m not asking for much out of you. Just vote for someone who gives enough of a damn about himself to have an avatar, someone who gives enough of a damn about you to have a presentation for you to read. If you do that much, this country will instantly be moving in a better direction.

Belfast Lough Times: Issue #25