Vote for Si Botak in WA for AMP (kindly supported by ADSP)

Day 727, 21:54 Published in Australia Australia by Si Botak

Ok, so you've seen a dozen of these bloody "Vote for me" articles... So why should you vote for me? It's not like I'm any different to anyone else, right?


With me, and the AMP, you don't just get another two clicker who'll waste your time and your votes by inventing Lulz Proposals just for the Experience Points!

You'll get a reasoned, approachable, intelligent and open Senator with a sense of humour, who

a) Knows where the time and place is for Lulz (News Articles and Forums NOT Senate Debate and Proposals)

b) Is committed to strengthening Australia through increasing our Military Capacity

c) Is truly active, and not a two-clicker! With me, your vote is NOT a wasted vote.

d) is receptive to the views of both newer and older players and decides issues on their merits, not on personalities

e) will act transparently and will report regularly on what votes were taken and why.

"Well that's all well and good, but what DO you stand for?" I hear you ask...

a) Taxes to support our military-industrial complex, moderated to support free enterprise and strengthen our economy

b) REJECTION of a Non Aggression Pact with eIndonesia which would kill our economy by forcing us to buy back Indonesian owned companies in WA - they lost their chance at extortion before the liberation, and now are using the Carrot of an NAP to try to get that money they thought they'd have! You can bet they'll resort to using the Stick if the Carrot doesn't work. We view this as appeasement and join the GGP in rejecting any NAP which has conditions contrary to eAustralia's interests!!!

c) Promotion of Military Reform - Our Military needs to be based on merit, not democracy. Democracy should be the cornerstone of our Body Politik. Our Military is there to protect our democracy not practice it! Promotion of economic structures and military coordination to better deploy our soldiers and citizen-soldiers with free weapons and moving tickets

d) Involvement in Regional and Global Alliances congruent with eAustralia's interests, whilst countering Imperialism wherever we see it.

e) All issues I vote on will be considered from a tactical and strategic point of view to ensure that all eAustralian states, but particularly WA, can be secure, consolidated and can benefit from the social and economic growth that accrues from that safety and security.


Vote for Si Botak in WA, and get a REAL voice in the Senate!



In Return, I give the gift of Lulz.