Vote for Reichman for a better future

Day 1,622, 13:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Otto Reichman

Vote for Reichman for advancement!

A country is at its best when the bonds between people are strong and when the sense of national purpose is clear. Today the challenges facing Britain are immense. Our economy is overwhelmed by debt, our social fabric is frayed and our political system has betrayed the people. But these problems can be overcome if we pull together and work together. If we remember that we are all in this together.

Some politicians say: ‘give us your vote and we will sort out all your problems’. We say: real change comes not from government alone. Real change comes when the people are inspired and mobilised, when millions of us are fired up to play a part in the nation’s future. Yes this is ambitious. Yes it is optimistic. But in the end all the Acts of Parliament, all the new measures, all the new policy initiatives, are just politicians’ words without you and your involvement.

Mend our broken society. Together we can even make politics and politicians work better. And if we can do that, we can do anything. Yes, together we can do anything.


As CP I pledge to have an out look view on the issues of the country and in doing so hopefully bring in outside experience to advise myself and the government.

As we all know we are in decline once more. We are losing some of our citizens to other countries. I, myself, started out in Germany first but when I was looking at which country to choose I saw the UK way down in the league tables and I thought to myself maybe not today. To stop this decline I have pledged to keep the remaining regions but in addition conquer 3 more. We must first take baby steps. You will see other candidates with there region control through the roof and far too ambitious. The UK can not be built in a day!

On the topic of war, if I am elected I purpose that there is only one Military Unit as with everyone in this unit, our attacks can be more militarily coordinated and we can attack as a united front not as little factions.

There also needs to be an increase in the GNP and I purpose that this is achieved at 5% with this I believe we can then start to even pay off other countries for our regions back.

The UK Advancement party is a party which works towards a more advanced future for the United Kingdom and its citizens.

Vote Reichman for a brighter future!

Otto Reichman