Vote for PaPP Candidates this elections

Day 1,100, 20:05 Published in Australia Australia by Arfman

Hello my fellow eAustralians,

I've thought long and hard about writing a wall of text on how you, my fellow voters, should vote for PaPP candidates. Of course, the response I'm going to get will be "tl;dr". Therefore, I will show a just show a summary of what we are, and what we stand for in this coming term. Also, I reserve the term "wall of lists" to describe what type of article this is. You have been warned.

The Procreate and Populate Party
- Otherwise known as the PaPP
- Formed by our former dear leader Paul Hamon a year ago.
- Has been in Majester's good hands for some 3/4 of the past year, though you might have seen some change of hands from time to time. Including:
Paul Hamon again, and
The Despicable eIndo PTOers, who used this party as a launching platform to control Australia for a number of months.
- And for that I apologise, even though it has nothing to do with me.
- With PaPP back in safe hands from the last elections with Paul Hamon, we resume what we do best with this party, which brings me to the next point.

The PaPP within eRep
- As Paul Hamon has envisioned from the beginning, this party represents the party of new citizens within eAustralia. Or otherwise known at the beginning, as the party of Noobs, which isn't really a realistic description of what we are.
- In practice, we are the party representing the new eBabies within eAustralia, and the continuation of those citizens to stay in Australia as positive, helpful and productive citizens within Australia

eAustralia within eRep
- In addition to the above points, I am one among many that believes that eAustralia needs a massive population boom. As a result of citizens, we see these issues with Australia
1. Lack of workers
2. Too many companies, and many being non-productive as not having enough workers
3. As workers are in great demand, wages are very high, which isn't really a bad thing, however, that causes inflation, and many of our good are overpriced as a result of that.
4. As a result of that, we're in a catch-22 situation where workers are reluctant to move to Australia for that reason.
5. Also, this makes many of our products uncompetitive in the export market.

- The next issue we have is the reluctance of workers from our allied countries moving here due to our lack of MPPs. This is a result of us:
1. Just coming out of a PTO, some of our allies (current and former?) may still think that we're in a PTO'ed state, especially with the language barrier. And other allies still think that we're somewhat weak due to the above reason.
2. Therefore we have difficulty getting more MPPs, and therefore have a hard time convincing workers from our allied countries to move to us. Catch-22 again 😕

The PaPP within eAustralia
- As Leader of the PaPP, I'd like to work with the other parties on promoting a population boom. This includes, but is not limited to:
1. Taking advantage of this war with eNZ to start a population boom. After all, war drives the economy and we need to tap that.
2. Have funding directed at advertising to promote immigration from other countries. After all, with high wages, what's there not to like about living in eAustralia? (there's also no need for them to be citizens here)
3. I am generally not pro-war, but within eRepublik, war drives the economy, and we need plenty of MPPs to keep it exciting if workers to move here, I am sure we can push for some additional funding for MPPs, of course with help from the allied countries to bear part of the cost. Here we'll need to be creative and perhaps start talking to countries we've never considered asking before. Some of them might have just started coming out from PTOs themselves.
4. GFCs. Yes, to some of my fellow colleagues in the senate, this is a taboo word. But it has been proven in the past how helpful they are. I'm not asking for full scale re-activation of them, having said about there being too many companies and not enough workers. This is rather delicate, and we need a careful cost benefit analysis done to ensure that some of the less delicate industries gets GFCs again. Also, I'd like the work for weapons program started again for our army. Weapons are not cheap enough to be cost effective in the use of training wars and battles initiated by our allies. Also, this will be helpful for mobile army units such as the Dropbears, who will have to enter and leave the country at random and will need this and leave the other jobs for others.
5. More human services. I will detail this out later. However, education our noobs is vital in retaining them in eAustralia. My friend Callumh123 have done some really good work if you've seen his article. I would like to promote more of this effort. We also need to push for more smart ideas in the form of great minds. We've lost some good ones in the PTO. We need to recruit new potential public servants.
6. Taxes. Tax is good. No really. However, I'd like to continue fighting for lower taxes in our industries. We fought for 5% last term, and only got 10%. Some of you might argue that we need to generate enough income for wars. Fair enough. But I'd like us to compromise with something between 5 and 10%. I will be pushing for this in the coming term. We need that population boom.

And I'd like to end it there. I could keep going making lists, though this is it for now. Good luck to all the valid candidates tomorrow.

We have other candidates standing under the PaPP banner, but here are the ones we're promoting that are being supported by me. Please correct me if I've missed some.

Northern Territory
Turin Tumbar

Majester - One of eAustralia's current Honourable speakers.

Paul Hamon - Our founder, ever generous in helping out our new citizens.

South Australia
Arfman - That's me.
Imperator Major Domus - Otherwise known as IMD, standing for the Australian Pirate Party, Arrrrrrr!

Eddy DoubleD

New South Wales
John Rolfe

Western Australia
To be announced in the coming months 😉

Please vote for them. Thank you.